Sunday, July 29, 2007

I bought a dracea branch form a local nursery, but alo got a small frog as a bonus!
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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Today eminet journalist Prnob Shaha gave me an assignment to write the diary of a soldier. I will do it and I find it very amusing really to write for the first time which is most likely to be published in the national daily!!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Today we went to the dinner hosted by JORBAT. Jorbat is Jordan Battalion deployed to fight the riots that might take place in our area of responsibility. They started with a drink of coffee and clove smelling one strong small drink. The cup travels round the gathering and people drink from the same cup. The drink is strong but reinvigoration. Then someone says good thing about Jordan and some else from the group rises up and says AISH..AISH//AISH. This is to pray for the Kings long life. Then we ere invite for dinner. The dinner is served in a big plate from where everybody eats. Rice pola with curd like gravy. The Mutton tasted exceptionally good. Then there is a dance where someone sings a song and everyone dances round and about. Everyone dances till they sweat. It was really a wonderful opportunity to know a culture which is quite different from ours. Finally the national anthem was played and people bade goodbye in the traditional style of touch cheeks of each other.
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